got a few stories to tell you..........
shower time
so i was having a nice shower... go to my room in my towell and close the blinds then start drying my hair and my suprise the blinds SHOT OPEN and people are across the road looking up and im just standing there naked...........i was mortified. not to mention i live on the highway so there were also cars zooming passed...AND it was drak outside and my lights were on. so i ducked in shame and never got over it....but im over it now, thats why im telling it on my blog HAHA funny right?
good news
well it all started when maddi went to get her p's.. she had said she wouldnt come back to school if she didnt get her p' after double community i was hoping for the best.....and as i was walking to the seats all i could see was a 'haha no.' and i was like MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
she's got her p's!!! awesome awesome awesome
then she came round to my crib and we went for a cruise...did a couple of deanys and what not. and as we were driving ely was like 'oh yeah ceri i got my soundwave ticket' THE FOURSOME ARE GOING TO SOUNDWAVE!!! LOOK OUT SOUNDWAVE!! im sorry but i love bonding time with my bestest friends!!! it just made me happy, i was depresso because i kept on thinking ely wouldnt get her ticket...but shes got it and im a happy chap! i love you guys!!! mady maddi and ely are the best people you will ever meet...seriously.
letter to myself...
HAHAHA so in english about a year ago we had to write a letter to ourselves saying our goals and shit...pretty sure i didnt achieve any of mine...but im going to recite this letter to you
dear ceri ward
you are cool because you are writing a letter to yourself.
Anyways, try and get a hairdressing apprentiship.
you better have had a job by the time you read this, keep trying or daddy wont be proud.
don't give up on your guitar so you can play well for wales.
don't be afraid to sing your bloody heart out (AHAHAHAHA!!) so far if you have succeeded all of this i am proud of you. or myself, or whatever.
write a wonderfull story i dont care if it is a short story or a novel, but i know you like making up stories.
dont be lazy, physically. because i know you hate homework (TRUE DAT) take dylan out for walkies more he'll love it. dont care what people say or think about you. dont change for anybody, dont give into peer pressure. try and atleast get your Ls because i think you would need a car in the future. you may need to try and lose some weight FATTY! (HAHA!) dont get stressed out and take it out on your friends, ignore your parents when their not being fair..or just do as they tell you
god i'm a loser........jeez ceri im not that fat! HAHAHAHAHA!! i noticed i got a little deep in some parts... yeah pretty much didnt do any of my goals...i'm ashamed :(
and dearest sophie.. im sorry i left you on facebook dad came in (mother effer) but i noticed you said im always giddy :D
you want to know the reason why im always cheery? its because im always around you all make me so happy and im thankfull for it! and i love laughing with you
alright........maddi im so proud of you bitch!