Monday, September 7, 2009

A night with the Smithwick's. (feat Ely.)

right now i am scribing ely. she is typing...hi i am typing8)
soo did my drama performances just before and i guess it went alright. I was in a little bit of a crazy mood mind you.
When Ely did her performance, I seriously could not stop laughing just when I was calming down. She screamed to the audience "BREASTFEEDING BABY." And I could not breathe.
Just shouting out that Ely and Maddi and Judd and EVERYONE were superb. But seriously El. You were really good....(thanks were you:) ilyilyilyily hahaha)
After drama we were in Pete's car (my faja - ely) and we're like "Hey let's go to maccas."
after quite the arguement with Pete whether to go to maccas or not, we just ended up going. Now, I want you to experience going to McDonalds drive thru with the Smithwick family.
Firstly, Ely wanted a McChicken meal. Pete called into the speaker "One mexican meal"
then..I ordered a large chips. Pete called into the speaker "One large chip"
All of a sudden, I ordered a frozen coke. The lady put this down and left. Ely misinterpreted this, and didn't know I wanted that frozen coke and she was screaming into the speaker to delete the frozen coke. "HELLO??!?! HELOOOO!! ARE YOU THERE? ARE YOU LISTNING TO ME?"
After I explained that I had infact ordered that frozen coke, she calmed down.
When we finally got to the counter, the lady gave us a bag and we started moving on. Then we discovered that Sophie didn't have her salad. So again, Ely started screaming for the salad. "CRAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!"
He didn't forget about the salad after all.. :|

Anyway i'm going to bounce. I'm probably boering Ely by making her type this..(I'm actually having a ball Ceri.)
(Any spelling mistakes are due to Ely)
Peace out rabbit.

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